Since 25 Years Samruddhi Group has earned trust of Chinchwadkars’ when it comes to redevelopment. This is a result of the process followed and the product delivered by us.

The first step is to understand the needs of the residents and study the plot. We follow it up with a brief presentation about the redevelopment overview. This includes the layout, draft plans, commercial terms, timelines, specifications, shifting arrangements and document requirements.
The project plan is reworked to fit-in the requirements of the members. A final draft of the techno-commercial plan, with building sketches and legal agreements is presented to the committee. This is followed by obtaining sanctions from the municipal/local authority.

Once commercial terms have been fulfilled, the residents are shifted into rented apartments. The building is thus ready to be handed over for redevelopment. The process of redevelopment will be initiated and completed as per the sanctioned plan.
Once the building is ready as per the architectural assessment, aspects such as finishing, inspection and various other installations will be looked into thoroughly. The occupation as well as completion certificate gets cleared and the building is handed over to the residents with respective inductions.

Kindly fill the below form to make your dream true!
Standard Documents
- Society Registration Certificate
- Approved Building Plan
- Conveyance Deed / Lease Deed / Sale Deed
- Copy of Resolution by society members towards redevelopment
- Documents / Deeds / Agreements etc. (As per the society’s plot)
- List of members with their respective carpet areas
- Property Card
- D. P. Remark
- Extract of 7/12
- Search Report and Title Certificate
- Index II
- N. A. Order
- Commencement Certificate
- Occupation Certificate
- Completion Certificate
- Demarcation Old
- Share Certificate (in case of Society)